Most of us no longer dream and imagine the way we did as kids. Where we once saw pirate's ships sailing by or fairies dancing in the meadow we now see a cherry tree or the trash can. No one knows how this happens, but one day you look out the window and the ships and fairies are gone. Then again, maybe they are just hiding beneath a raspberry bush. And maybe all it takes is to lure them out again. From the attic in your yard … into reality.
a -thinking really deep thoughts- book
Includes 28 illustrations
The Attic in My Yard
Ebook By Birgit Horvath-Muck
(5.00 based on 2 reviews)
Published: Oct. 04, 2011
Category: Non-Fiction » Inspiration » Personal inspiration
Words: 2342 (approximate)
Language: English

I'm a reader.
I'm a writer.
I'm a book blogger
Some random facts about me.
1. While I was at Uni I had a part-time job at a bookshop. Great for my arm muscles. Bad for my finances.
2. I love broccoli.
3. Apart from my obvious addiction to books I'm also crazy about handbags.
4. The northernmost city I've ever visited is Murmansk. The southernmost Melbourne. Oddly enough my hometown starts with M too.
5. I could literally live in a Kinkade painting.
6. Yes, I'm from Austria. No, I don't ski ... or wear a Dirndl, for that matter.
7. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies and usually I have a camera with me wherever I go.
8. I procrastinate. A lot.
9. Boyds Bears. My bedroom is basically a bear cave. Wish I could hibernate with them.
10. Clowns aren't funny. Period.
11. I've been a vegetarian for more than 20 years now.
12. James Caviezel is hot. And talented. But mostly, hot.
13. I don't like talking on the phone and rather send an e-mail.
14. "Pillow Talk" is my favorite movie. I have watched it so often I pretty much know all the dialogues by heart.
15. I'm a huge fan of Disney World.
16. If you should ever happen to be in my car when I'm driving, be prepared to learn some new ... uhm, vocabulary.
17. Tori Amos is one of my alltime favorite musicians.
18. I had budgies as a kid. Would have prefered a dog though.
19. One of my pet peeves is people who're late.
20. I wrote my thesis about the alien in Star Trek, looking at the series from the anthropological side.
21. One day I will be able to afford flying first class. Not sure whether this makes me an optimist or just delusional.
22. I love taking naps
This is a sweet little book that I really enjoyed. It really is inspiring and lets you know that no matter where you are in life or how old you are you can still have your dreams. Don’t give up and remember to look at things positively.
One line in the book that I really liked was this “Just remember that running along with blinders will neither make you reach your goal faster nor will it make the journey enjoyable.”
A lot of things in this book are very profound and have a lot of meaningful words.
The pictures were really neat, even though I have a Kindle the pictures were interesting and lovely. I really love the cover to this book. It was just priceless.
I was uplifted and inspired to keep working on my dreams and don’t give up.
If you read this book you will be encouraged and really glad you read it. It won’t take you long to read at all. I was probably done in an hour or two.
I highly recommend this book for your reading encouragement and to inspire you.
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Thank you to the author for providing this book for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

1 comment:
Thanks so much for your wonderful review, Wanda!
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