Randy Alcorn, who is both author and narrator, speaks with warmth as he provides a sampling of questions and answers from his book HEAVEN. In a seamless narration he explains why we will meet our loved ones in heaven and whether we will recognize them. He richly describes the splendor of heaven, from streets of gold to walls of precious stones. With an effortless delivery he explains how we can be sure we will go to heaven, then explores the differences between earthly time and heaven, where time is never measured. His interpretation of whether our beloved pets will meet us there is fascinating. Other questions--will we have bodies?-- how we will travel?-- will we bored?--are fascinating.
File Size: 1041 KB
Print Length: 60 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (October 31, 2009)
Publication Date: October 28, 2009
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Before starting EPM in 1990, Randy served as a pastor for fourteen years. He has a Bachelor of Theology and Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Multnomah University and an Honorary Doctorate from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He has taught on the adjunct faculties of both.
A New York Times bestselling author, Randy has written fifty books, including Courageous, Heaven, The Treasure Principle, and the Gold Medallion winner Safely Home. His books have been translated into over sixty languages and have sold over nine million copies. Randy has written for many magazines including EPM's issues-oriented magazine Eternal Perspectives. He is active daily on Facebook and Twitter, has been a guest on more than 700 radio, television and online programs including Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, Revive Our Hearts, The Bible Answer Man, and The Resurgence.
Randy resides in Gresham, Oregon, with his wife, Nanci. They have two married daughters and are the proud grandparents of five grandsons. Randy enjoys hanging out with his family, biking, tennis, research, and reading.
Biblical Answers to Common Questions about Heaven by Randy Alcorn is simply a beautiful book. It is very short, just 60 pages.
Some of the questions are: Will Heaven (the New Earth) Be an Actual Place?
Will we Remember What Happened on Earth?
Will There Be Animals on the New Earth?
Will There Be Marriage and Family in Heaven?
Many such questions and very well thought out answers.
One of my favorite parts in is the chapter about recognizing people in Heaven. Remember at the Transfiguration, the disciples recognized Moses and Elijah, even though they weren’t told who the two men were, and they couldn’t have previously known what they looked like.
Just reading this precious book has heightened my longing for Heaven. What a wonderful place it will be. Can’t wait. Highly recommend this sweet book.
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This is my book and I wasn’t asked to read or review it.